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Trump Justice Department sues to block John Bolton from publishing book



WASHINGTON – Following through on a threat to take legal action to block another potentially critical tell-all book, the Trump administration Tuesday filed a lawsuit to stop former national security adviser John Bolton from publishing his long expected memoir.  

华盛顿 - 特朗普政府威胁要采取法律行动封杀另一本可能批判性地揭秘白宫的书籍,继这一威胁之后,特朗普政府周二又提起诉讼,试图阻止前国家安全顾问约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton)出版其期待已久的白宫回忆录。


The move came a day after Trump dismissed Bolton's forthcoming book as "highly inappropriate" and said it would be a "criminal problem" if published.



The Justice Department filed the lawsuit in a federal court in Washington.



"I will consider every conversation with me as president highly classified," Trump said on Monday. "So that would mean that if he wrote a book and if the book gets out, he’s broken the law and I would think he would have criminal problems. I hope so."



Bolton's book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," will reportedly lay out examples of international misconduct that go beyond Trump's pressure campaign on Ukraine that served as the basis for the president's impeachment last year. It's scheduled to go on sale next week.

据报道,博尔顿的新书《那个发生了一切事情的房间:白宫回忆录》(The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir)将透露一些国际不当行为,比如特朗普向乌克兰政府施压,干预美国竞选,这也是去年弹劾特朗普的依据。这本书计划于下周发售。


"The United States seeks an order requiring Defendant to abide by his contractual and fiduciary duties to complete the pre-publication review process and not disclose classified information without written authorization, thereby protecting the national security of the United States," according to the filing.



Bolton attorney Chuck Cooper has accused the administration of abusing the pre-publication review process to delay the book's publication and said they are "reviewing the Government's complaint, and will respond in due course."  

博尔顿的律师Chuck Cooper控告特朗普政府滥用正式出版前的审查权,故意推迟博尔顿新书出版,他还表示他们正在“审查政府的上诉,并及时进行反击”。


"This is a transparent attempt to use national security as a pretext to censor Mr. Bolton, in violation of his constitutional right to speak on matters of the utmost public import," Cooper wrote recently in a Wall Street Journal piece.  

库珀最近在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的一篇文章中写道:“这显然是在以国家安全为借口对博尔顿进行审查,侵犯了他在对公众最重要的问题上发表言论的宪法权利。”


Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer, said it would be difficult, but not impossible, for Trump to get a court to block the book. If he does, Moss speculated, the information is bound to come out sooner or later. Advance copies went out weeks ago to reviewers.

一位国家安全律师布拉德利·莫斯(Bradley Moss)表示,特朗普通过法律程序阻止本书出售是很难的,但也不是没有可能。莫斯猜测,如果特朗普这么做了,书中的信息也早晚会公开的,因为预售本已经在几周前就寄给了审稿人。
