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中华神舰 0

Do you think Chinese people are friendly enough?




Pete Marchetto, Writing about China from first-hand experience and study

Speaking as a white man, absolutely - perhaps a little too much so.


China is unused to seeing foreigners across the vast majority of the country, and I think it will be far more healthy when they become more commonplace. For the moment, we attract a great deal of attention and, sometimes, it can be a little difficult walking down the street and feeling so prominent.


Responses are a mixed bag. The vast majority are friendly and positive, but so much so that a few can be quite racist, (probably resentful for the positive attention we attract), and I've had a few instances where I felt threatened precisely because I am white.


Sometimes I feel it would be nice not to be so 'different'. Stall holders tend to push up prices on me given all foreigners are rich, (I most assuredly am not as a freelancer), but that seems to ease off when people get used to seeing you around. It's difficult to walk down the street without hearing people whispering loudly 'Waiguoren!' or 'Laowai!' ('Foreigner!') or even 'Meiguoren!' a lot of the time, (a bit galling given I'm not 'American!') When small children say 'Hello!' it can be delightful. Say 'Hello' back, and they're very excited and pleased you've done so. On the other hand, some young adult guys in particular have a habit of yelling 'Hello!' over and over again in the voice usually used to try and encourage a parrot to speak, especially if they're with their friends and showing off. The best way I've found to discourage that is to smile, walk up to them, sit down if there's a seat available, and say 'Hello. Nice to meet you. What shall we talk about then?' while looking very pointedly at the person yelling it. He'll start blushing and muttering 'Ting bu dong', ('I don't understand'), while his friends laugh at his discomfort, and then I can leave reasonably assured he won't be doing that again.



There's so much I could write about this, all anecdotal, but in summary. For me, specifically as a white guy, yes. Very friendly. However, it's a mild version of the kind of friendliness people might give to someone famous - a little nervous, a little impersonal, and it can have negative repercussions. The Chinese, in the end, are much the same as anyone else. Imagine yourself, if you are not Chinese and live in a multicultural country, seeing someone you've seen on various TV shows from time to time though you don't remember his name and aren't even too sure what TV shows you've seen him in, walking down your street. The various responses that person would get are similar to the responses I get here.


Alice Gatto, Trying to learn more about China because I live here

Yes, my students in particular are polite and charming, or certainly the vast majority are. As an anti social big city London type, I don't expect strangers to be friendly. I'm naturally quite reserved and find lots of attention uncomfortable. Interestingly, I have the same experience here as in America. People just don't understand when I talk in my low quiet voice, so I have to speak louder! Then they seem to understand even my crappy tones.


I have a couple of friends who just speak English even when people don't understand, I find it very uncomfortable, I wonder if some Chinese posters can tell me whether you care about that?


I think you should try to learn the language of the country you're living in, even if it's very difficult. My Chinese friends have been super helpful, they are always correcting my posts on WeChat, I appreciate it a lot.


Another thing that amuses me is that people that come from regions with spicy cuisine are often amazed that I can take hot food. I find the fact most people are as obsessed about food as me very refreshing.


I like it here in Shanghai, considering how many people there are here there ought to be more annoying ones, going by the law of averages. But that still doesn't prevent the odd day on which I want to don massive sunglasses and a pollution mask to hide my alien face ha ha. (I have dark hair and am not particularly large, so I get asked for directions in Chinese from behind sometimes, it's quite funny).


Abhishek Pajnoo, Been using it long enough in real world to teach others

Well yes they are friendly especially people living in Tier 1,2 cities , who have seen cities being developed and frequented by foreigners. Some Chinese NOT all are super friendly to white ( god knows why ), but most of them are friendly to any person who is good with them , anyone who respect they culture , anyone who doesn’t brag about how good western countries are & lastly anyone who didn’t belittle their country .


2) i have made some great Chinese friends who made me do gambe , thanks to them now I can gulp a bottle of alcohol without getting sloshed on street .


Chinese are good people , if you’re good with them . Chinese ain’t no alien , they are also human , the way you want respect and to be loved , they want the same . Media sucks for showing them in bad light as a matter of fact they are the finest and pure friend you can ever make .


Édit : Chinese living in rural areas might not be that friendly because they haven’t seen much foreigners, only time they have seen foreigners are during their visit to Tier 1 cities . China has mass influx of Chinese from other regions , if you ever had bad experience you can assume that person if from rural areas or close minded , mostly Chinese are open minded with foreigners


Richard Bourne, I lived and worked in China for over 4 years for a variety of multinationals and local companies. I speak flu…

I think this question is really vague. There are 1.3 billion Chinese people in the PRC and more outside China who are ethnically or culturally Chinese. So varied and numerous it is difficult to generalize on anything, particularly something as broad and open to interpretation as 'friendly'.


Having lived in China, there are certainly a lot of people who are openly very hospitable, going out of their way to say hello. It only goes so deep though, I made a lot of friends in my time in China but a lot of people were very cold after that initial amazement at a white guy who can speak Mandarin.


Having spent a lot of time in the US at universities and in the professional world I have found that Chinese students and 1st generation immigrants keep to themselves a lot, not making friendships outside their circle.


Hassan Liaquat, studied at University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

I just arrived in china from Pakistan 1 month before.

Chinese are not use to foriegner that much.They stare to foriegner alot :D

Chinese are shy to talk to foriegners which is mostly mis interpreted by foriegner as rudeness instead once you start conversation they are really friendly helpfull obviously exceptions lies every where, moreover language barrier is greater in china as compare to other countries

only thing which makes me feel un comfortable they stare alot





Wallington Lin, IB Diploma IB MYP, International Baccalaureate

I think it really depends on how you behave and the place you visit. Just like in any place in the world you are visiting, if you respect their culture, they will respect you. Chinese people in general are friendly. However, many Chinese people here are a bit shy and introverted comparing to many western countries. So if you happen to see a person who is being cold to you, the chances are he has nothing in particular against you; perhaps it just because of he does not speak your language or just being shy.


With that being said, if you are travelling to more developed cities like Beijing and Shanghai, people here are welcoming and many of them speaks multiple languages.


Kay Flip

They are extremely friendly in China. Especially now that the country is getting richer and richer, more people travel now and are used to experiencing other cultures. Also, there are more and more tourists and business people coming to China and a whole industry to support them has emerged. Chinese have been used to foreign visitors since the spice trade days so they are used to welcoming them. It’s part of their culture.


Zeng Jinghua, Enjoy language learning, enthusiastic about english

Yes, We are friendly and hospital, when foreigners come to China, they will be warmly welcomed. But there is an exception, Japanese is disliked by most of Chinese especially in nanjing city, because of the mas-acre incident, And this anti-Japan emotion will last for more years.


Michael Chan, lived in China

If you are a white foreigner, they can be quite friendly. If you are a black or brown foreigner, less so, but they will give you the "you are a guest" treatment. If you are an overseas Chinese, like me, they can get very excited if you reveal the fact that you are a foreigner, because you are simultaneous a guest and a family member.


The above is just a general observation. With 1.3 billion Chinese around, there are bound to be different experiences depending on the individual Chinese you encounter.


ChienLing Koo, There are many interesting things about China.

It depends on how you define friendly.

Generally speaking, Chinese people are very friendly, especially to those who come from the US, Britain and France.





1.You do nothing to provoke them so that they have nothing against you.

2.You do behave in a manner out of Chinese tradition, but they will tolerate it for the sake of your innocence about Chinese customs.

3.They fear media presses from these countries.

4.Your skin is white. Some Chinese are racists, considering white people as the most superior mankind.





Honestly, I don't think I am very friendly and hospitable to foreigners. I happened to share a desk with foreigners in cafes for several times. But I seldom talk to them, unless they want to talk with me. Some of them have asked for my skype or wechat, but I only gave them my email address.


Anyway, I often give directions to foreigners, and Chinese.

