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张老师 0

Q:What do Chinese netizens think of Trump in 2020?


A: Chinse netizens call Trump 川建国。川 in Chinese sounds like Trum, 建国 is a very typical name in the generation of 1950’s and 1960’s, it means “the establishment of PRC”.


You may have figured out why do they call him like that already. Yes, a lot of Chinese sincerely believe that Trump is making China great again because:


1. He inspired Chinese people to work even harder to complete China’s weak links such as semiconductor industry by his iconic tariffs and sanctions.


2. He unified Chinese people by constantly threatening China together with his hawkish staffs. His former best friend Steve Bannon vowed to “take down” China, his secretary of state Pompeo makes China a bull’s eye by his motto “we lied, we cheated, we stole”. The great thinker and philosopher Mencius had said: 生于忧患,死于安乐。Means “one prospers in worries and hardships and perishes in ease and comfort”. That’s what Chinese believe in instead of an almighty god.

  2.他和他的鹰派幕僚不断威胁中国,却不知此行为使得中国人民更加团结起来了。他以前最好的朋友史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)誓言要“击垮”中国。他的国务卿蓬佩奥(Pompeo)把“中国撒谎,中国作弊,中国偷窃”挂在嘴上,让中国成为靶子。伟大的思想家和哲学家孟子曾说过:生于忧患,死于安乐。中国人信这个,不信那全能的神。

  3. He weakened the US by exposing the true colors of this country.

In the military parade to celebrate 70th anniversary of PRC, you can find out an interesting detail. When Xi passed by those formations, he greeted the soldiers with “同志们辛苦了!” (Comrades, you have served your country with your dilligence), then the soldiers answered with “为人民服务!” (For our people!). I think Chinese netizens won’t forget this punch when Trump’s presidency is over. “川建国同志辛苦了!” Comrade Trump, you have served our country by your tariffs, false accusations, blaming games, military threatenings and your great hostile propaganda. Thanks a lot for MCGA!
