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张老师 0

Q:How is living in China under Xi Jinping? Are the people there under pressure?


A: I am British and live in China half a year, so can only answer on an expat basis.


The question implies that Xi Jinping is some kind of dictator, this is not the case.


There are downsides and there are many good sides. But many are quite subjective in nature and are a source of personal annoyance or approval.


Downsides to me are as follows :


· Cars are like gods, they spend more on cars than any other country I have been to. They park on the pavement forcing pedestrians into the road and drive without consideration, lane discipline is an abstract notion and sometimes driving interferes with their texting and talking on cell phones

· 中国人把车当祖宗供着,他们在车上花的钱比我所见的任何其他国家的人都多。开车的人把他们的爱车停在人行道上,逼得行人只能走到路中心。开起车来也很随意,行车准则对他们来说是不存在的,而且有时候你会觉得开车真是太耽误他们聊天打电话了。

· Internet is good, but Google, YouTube and some social media networks are not available. I use Line normally but its not available in China, so I am not in contact with my friends

· 互联网做的不错。网速很好,服务也多。但是没有谷歌,油管和其他那些我们常用的社交软件。比如我就经常用line,但是在中国登不上,我被迫与我的朋友失联了。

· Getting my visa, 3 year one, takes a month, as there are police checks in place, but is cheaper than Thailand and is a lot less beauracratic

· 我的签证是三年一签的,半下来要一个月左右,因为中国警察要检查的。不过比泰国便宜多了,也没有官僚作风那些破事。

Those, to me, are the main drawbacks


Poitives are, the streets are clean and safe, you can walk the streets at 3 in the morning and know you won't have trouble

优点真是很多,街道干净 ,安全。你半夜三点走路上也不用担心会有人找你麻烦。

Airport immigration are super helpful and efficient


Food is fantastic


After around 9pm the place is very quiet, no parties! Though recently the Chinese have been keeping dogs as pets and the barking drives me mad


Transportation systems are extremely good and cheap


Another, and it may seem a strange remark, thing is - when I'm in China I know I'm in China, its a multicultural society that maintains its identity


There are some wonderful places to visit and explore. Last year we went to Nanjing, interesting and beautiful


Contrary to common opinion, outside of some major cities, there is no pollution, no rubbish on the streets and clear blue skies


Personally I love China and would recommend a visit.


As for Xi Jinping he has spearheaded a lot of improvements, and gets a thumbs up in my books
